Transoral robotic surgery(TORS) is a surgical procedure where the surgeon operates a roboticspecialized computer system to remove a tumour or "growth" in your throat.
Why do I need to undergo TORS?
Your doctor may recommend that you undergo TORS for any of the following reasons.
The expected length of stay will be about 5-7days, and may be longer for cancer related cases.
Pain—You may experience throat pain when you wake up from the surgery as it involves removing the tumour and its surrounding tissue. This may make it difficult for you to swallow after the surgery.
We will provide you with painkillers to help reduce the pain. The pain is expected to improve within 5-7 days after the procedure.
Bleeding— Bleeding may sometimes occur after the surgery. Rarely, this may require a second surgery to stop the bleeding.
Swallowing difficulties – This is likely to occur as the surgery involves removing the growth in your throat and mouth region. You will be seeing our speech therapist before the procedure who will guide you through the recovery process. Speech difficulties/ voice change – This may occur after the surgery due to the swelling at the back of the throat. You will be seeing our speech therapist who will guide you through the recovery process. (See Below)
Damage to the teeth, lips or jaw— Occasionally, the teeth or lips may be injured during the operation as all the surgical tools are nearby in the mouth. Some patients may experience some pain in the jaw.
It may be difficult to eat or drink normally immediately after the operation. A temporary feeding tube may be put in through your nose into your stomach until oral feeding can be safely resumed (5-7 days). This tube is usually removed before discharge from hospital.
Our dietitian will ensure that you are getting sufficient nutrition with the liquid feeds until oral feeding is resumed
The speech therapist will evaluate your swallowing and advise you on the consistency of the food and drink that would be most suited for you.
Your voice and speech may sound different after the surgery due to the swelling that occurs after the surgery. This will likely improve over time. The speech therapist will help you with exercises to help with your speech.
Please seek medical attention if you have any of the following:
Head and Neck Centre
For appointments, please call: (65) 6321 4377
For Email: [email protected]
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