Myofunctional therapy is a set of tongue and throat exercises that aims to increase the tone and strength of your tongue and throat muscles. For obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) patients, their throat muscles and tongue are more relaxed during sleep, resulting in a collapse of their airway. Myofunctional therapy exercises can help to increase the tone and strength of these upper airway muscles, thereby reducing the collapse of the upper airway during sleep. Myofunctional therapy reduces sleepiness and snoring, and improves OSA. It complements other OSA treatments.
Nasal breathing exercises are exercises that encourage nasal breathing. Nasal breathing is important for stabilisation of the upper airway. OSA patients often breathe through their mouths during sleep. This causes their tongues to collapse backwards which will narrow their upper airway and reduce airflow.
Outram Community HospitalSingHealth Tower, Level 310 Hospital Boulevard, Singapore 168582
Tel: 6321 4377
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